
Three Hebrew words are thus rendered in the Authorized Version. "(1.) Heb. mahsom' signifies a muzzle or halter or bridle, by" which the rider governs his horse (Ps. 39:1). "(2.) Me'theg, rendered also "bit" in Ps. 32:9, which is its "proper meaning. Found in 2 Kings 19:28, where the restraints of" "God's providence are metaphorically styled his "bridle" and" "hook. God's placing a "bridle in the jaws of the people" (Isa." 30:28; 37:29) signifies his preventing the Assyrians from carrying out their purpose against Jerusalem. "(3.) Another word, re'sen, was employed to represent a halter or "bridle-rein, as used Ps. 32:9; Isa. 30:28. In Job 30:11 the" restraints of law and humanity are called a bridle.

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