"So called by the Romans; called Artemis by the Greeks, the" great goddess worshipped among heathen nations under various modifications. Her most noted temple was that at Ephesus. It was "built outside the city walls, and was one of the seven wonders" "of the ancient world. "First and last it was the work of 220" years; built of shining marble; 342 feet long by 164 feet broad; "supported by a forest of columns, each 56 feet high; a sacred" "museum of masterpieces of sculpture and painting. At the centre," "hidden by curtains, within a gorgeous shrine, stood the very" "ancient image of the goddess, on wood or ebony reputed to have" "fallen from the sky. Behind the shrine was a treasury, where, as" "in `the safest bank in Asia,' nations and kings stored their" most precious things. The temple as St. Paul saw it subsisted "till A.D. 262, when it was ruined by the Goths" (Acts" "19:23-41)., Moule on Ephesians: Introd."
Definition of Diana:
"luminous, perfect"