
"Called by Galen "the instrument of instruments." It is the" symbol of human action (Ps. 9:16; Job 9:30; Isa. 1:15; 1 Tim. 2:8). Washing the hands was a symbol of innocence (Ps. 26:6; "73:13; Matt. 27:24), also of sanctification (1 Cor. 6:11; Isa." "51:16; Ps. 24:3, 4). In Ps. 77:2 the correct rendering is, as in" "the Revised Version, "My hand was stretched out," etc., instead" "of, as in the Authorized Version, "My sore ran in the night," etc. "The right hand denoted the south, and the left the north (Job 23:9; 1 Sam. 23:19). To give the right hand was a pledge of fidelity (2 Kings 10:15; Ezra 10:19); also of submission to the victors (Ezek. 17:18; Jer. 50:15). The right hand was lifted up "in taking an oath (Gen. 14:22, etc.). The hand is frequently" "mentioned, particularly the right hand, as a symbol of power and" strength (Ps. 60:5; Isa. 28:2). To kiss the hand is an act of "homage (1 Kings 19:18; Job 31:27), and to pour water on one's" hands is to serve him (2 Kings 3:11). The hand of God is the symbol of his power: its being upon one denotes favour (Ezra "7:6, 28; Isa. 1:25; Luke 1:66, etc.) or punishment (Ex. 9:3;" "Judg. 2:15; Acts 13:11, etc.). A position at the right hand was" regarded as the chief place of honour and power (Ps. 45:9; 80:17; 110:1; Matt. 26:64).

"A measure of four fingers, equal to about four inches (Ex." "25:25; 37:12; Ps. 39:5, etc.)."

Only once in Authorized Version (Acts 19:12). The Greek word "(sudarion) so rendered means properly "a sweat-cloth." It is" "rendered "napkin" in John 11:44; 20:7; Luke 19:20."

Servant (Gen. 16:1; Ruth 3:9; Luke 1:48). It is probable that Hagar was Sarah's personal attendant while she was in the house "of Pharaoh, and was among those maid-servants whom Abram had" brought from Egypt.

"(Col. 2:14). The "blotting out the handwriting" is the removal" by the grace of the gospel of the condemnation of the law which we had broken.

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Left hand