"Heb. bedil (Num. 31:22; Ezek. 22:18, 20), a metal well known in" ancient times. It is the general opinion that the Phoenicians of Tyre and Sidon obtained their supplies of tin from the British Isles. In Ezek. 27:12 it is said to have been brought from "Tarshish, which was probably a commercial emporium supplied with" commodities from other places. In Isa. 1:25 the word so rendered "is generally understood of lead, the alloy with which the silver" had become mixed (ver. 22). The fire of the Babylonish Captivity would be the means of purging out the idolatrous alloy that had corrupted the people. "(Isa. 3:18), anklets of silver or gold, etc., such as are still" used by women in Syria and the East.